Tuesday 12 July 2016


Hey Guys,

I'm going to start adding pictures of food and recipe's to my blog. I love cooking I just find there is something so therapeutic about it. I love putting dishes together from ingredients that are simply found in your kitchen. I also love making dishes from the start using fresh vegetables and meat from around locally. Below is a very simple and easy dish to put together in less than 15 minutes. Why not try it for yourself? I love having it with a sunday roast or it works perfectly well with fish. Bon appetit!


Curly Kale
Chilli Flakes
Salt and Pepper

What to do:

Place your curly kale on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper. Then simply sprinkle over the slice garlic and chilli flakes. To be honest I sometimes add olive oil sometimes not as I find it can cos the kale piece's to not get that crisp bite to it. When you have most of your ingredients all together pop it into the oven but keep a close eye on it. Half way through give it a little shake as you want every kale piece to have that crunch to it. Finally again sprinkle over your salt and pepper to add that extra taste to it.


Preheat oven and cook for 5 to 10 mins


Bubbles xx

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