Sunday 4 October 2015


Happy Sunday,

Well guys I've been in bed since last Monday with the flu. That is why I'm late with this piece but i'll crack on! What a day on Sunday for Cocoa Brown tan passion persistence pink event in The Shelbourne Hotel. I couldn't believe my eyes when I received an email to attend this wonderful event,blogger heaven!

I definitely wasn't letting this event get away from me. No,no,no,no once in a lifetime this was ;).It was also the time for Marissa Carter to reveal the two brand new products that are launching to the line soon,eeekkk! As I was dropped off outside the stunning shelbourne hotel to my surprise there was already quite a big queue forming but at least it was a beautiful sunny morning. Once inside the building I was greeted by the lovely Kate Kelly who is a PR for Cocoa Brown. Not only that but we got a great opporunity to have a photo taking with the boss herself Marissa and well known make-up artist Julia Carta.
As I went further in to find a seat at one of the round tables which for the day was holding over 300 people. Before the event started we had some time to take a gallon load of photos from the day. It was also a great chance to look around an spot anyone you may know. It was as I came across some other bloggers in the room I've meet and follow along my journey so far as a blogger. Here's myself with Jen from too dolly make up. What a great photo together,cheers my dear :).
 Finally the boss herself came out on the stage to everyone's delight. After we all calm down she ran through what the day held in store for us. She really got the room going with the mention of spot prizes. If you were lucky enough to lift up your plate in front of you it would reveal a Penneys gift voucher. Luck wasn't on my side that time.The event was started by three make up artists Rosie Connelly,Tara O' Farrell and Aj Fitzsimons giving us a quick demo on doing the latest trend the ombre lips. More spot prizes were given,next as we all had to look under our chair to get the next gift which was a Flormar lipstick and lipliner. Nice more to add to my collection! 

Before the delicious afternoon tea Marissa gave us a quick demo on "tonturing" using only three products. A gentle bronzer,1hr tan mousse from the Cocoa Brown line while also using a contour brush. She pulled her sister on stage for this god bless I think she was a little morto!Finally the food arrived we got to pick from the selected sandwiches,to having a nice cuppa tea or coffee along side a very pink cupcake. We can say she loves her pink!After all that it was finally the big reveal of the two products.Marissa stood on stage and began to pull out the two products that have been kept under wraps from us all. To everyone surprise it was two Instant gel tans. One which has a very shimmery gel while the other is a matte gel,oooohhhhhh! Everyone of course was very excited we just wanted to get to our swag bag to have a proper nosey at them.

The final piece was the lovely Julia Carta a global celebrity makeup artist. She started her makeup demo by using Marissa as her canvas which of course she was delighted with. Julia demo was her using all of her favourite brands that she loves in makeup and skincare. While it also gave the crowd a great chance to do an Q&A with the lovely Julia. It was a great day all round and put together by a great group. I loved all the quotes Marissa said through out the day and couldn't believe how funny and level headed she is when it comes to her business.

'Don't let anyone dull your sparkle'
Penneys burgundy top with black lace on the side of the sleeves 13.00
Tk Maxx black pleat leather skirt 16.99
Lip clutch
Gladiator shoes
Tan 1 hour Cocoa Brown
A wet brush-pro detangle brush
Cocoa Brown double sided tanning mitt
New Instant tan bronzing gel shimmer
New Instant tan bronzing gel matte
Flormar lipstick and lipliner
Sosu nail polish
Hask Monoi oil shampoo and conditioner
Colab dry shampoo
Cloud10 voucher
Cara pharmacy voucher
Hope you enjoy the piece!
Bubbles xx

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