Sunday 3 April 2016


Happy Sunday,

I hope i'm not the only person when i say this but i love garlic. When i cook i always use a clove or two of garlic in the meal i'm putting together just to make it more tasty. Did you know that there are some great benefits to either eating or taking garlic. Well here now i'm going to give you those 10 benefits on why you should introduce garlic known as 'the stinking rose' into your life.

1. Garlic improves bone health it appears to have some benefits for bone health by increasing estrogen levels in females. 
2. Can health improve athletic performance 
3. May help you live longer it has known beneficial effects on common causes of chronic disease so it makes perfect sense that it could help you live longer.

4. Garlic contains antioxidants that may help prevent alzheimer disease and dementia.It protects against cell damage and ageing. It may reduce the risk of alzheimer disease and dementia.
5. Improves cholesterol levels which may lower the risk of heart disease. Garlic supplementation seems to reduce total and ldl cholesterol particularly in those who have high cholesterol. 
6. Garlic contains a compound called Allicin which has potent medicinal properties. It is a plant in the onion family grown for it's cooking properties and health effects.

7. Garlic can combat sickness including the common cold. Supplementation helps to prevent and reduce the severity of common illnesses like flu and cold. 
8. It is highly nutritious but has very few calories. Garlic is very rich in vitamin c, vitamin b6 and manganese. 
9. The active compounds in garlic can reduce blood pressure. High doses of garlic appear to improve blood pressure of those with high blood pressure. In some instances supplementation can be as effective as regular medications.
10. Eating garlic can help detoxify heavy metals in the body shown to significantly reduce lead toxicity and related symptoms in one study. 

Hope you enjoy the piece!

Bubbles xx

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