Wednesday 10 April 2013


So my healthcare is coming out now and i've noticed a couple of stars that have been pictured with red patches on them and its been revealed that it is psoriasis. My dad has psoriasis too and has had it for many years. What is it!!Its a skin disease marked by red,itchy and scaly patches. What causes it stress,dry climate and infections.

My dad has it on his elbows and behind his knees which are the common places for it. Most people do be embarrassed about it and i try to give my advice to help him out a little. I would ask him does he use anything for it but men are men and his answer does be quite short.

 I tell him to keep it moist and to get a really good moisturiser with no chemicals in it because i'm sure that would cause it to flare-up more on him and use it as often as he likes. My dad is not the only sufferer when i was younger i have eczema and had to use Silcocks base whenever i got the chance e.g Baths,using it as a moisturiser. I was lucky enough to have grown out of it.Psoriasis is not contagious and it cannot be spread by touch from person to person. 

Cara has it on her legs 

These are some products to try on psoriasis or other forms of Dry Skin :))


Silcocks Base 



They can all be bought in chemists :))

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