Tuesday 22 April 2014


My mam and me had a Thelma and Louise moment as we took a little road trip about two weeks back. Happy to say we arrived back in one piece. We popped down to LoughCrew Gardens the reason for this was part of a Mother's Day present. Again i came across a voucher for this. It was for an Afternoon Tea and a trip around the gardens in LoughCrew all for 17 euro. Our journey down was an hour and a half i popped on the radio to pass the time. Thinking we're the next Christina Aguilera we had a singalong to the songs that were playing. Where's that X-factor ha ha.

We finally arrived at our destination when i pulled in to the grounds i looked over to see a lovely wooden building. Straight away i noticed it was very clean inside and out. The lady that served us and also told us a little about the place was very pleasant. We sat in the side conservatory with a view to how vast the garden trail is. Straight away we were giving our Afternoon tea which consisted of filled sandwiches with ham and cheese and turkey and salad. Our sweet treats were a mixture of muffins,cupcakes,a flapjack and some apple tart. Then we were given a scone with jam and cream,yummy!

The gardens are on historic grounds of the Plunkett family and its where St. Oliver Plunkett was born. It was so nice just walking around taking our time and it was so peaceful. Got to see a bit of wildlife too. We had a map to show us the route of the gardens and what to look forward to seen on our walk. There are 19 sights to see, Statue of Alice, Fairy Rockery, Mercury Gate all a joy to see. The gardens also have an Adventure Park a lot to be kept busy. 

The day we went the weather wasn't really great and eventually started raining. We seen as much as we could but made the decision to head home. It was 17 euro well spent and i also learnt a bit of history especially on a Monday after the weekend :)). 

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