Wednesday 14 August 2013


So beauties, 

My secret tool for not getting ingrown hairs after waxing or shaving is Fino Soothe Aftercare Balm. Guys i picked this up after noticing i had a very sore ingrown hair and really wanted something to use. After popping to my local chemist it was none other than the pharmacist that told me about this product you can get to help you stop from getting ingrown hairs. She told me i needed to go to a beauty parlour to pick it up and that's what i did and guess what they had this product. The product has vitamin a and fruit enzymes together it helps with exfoliate,moisturise and purify your skin. It prevents infections and stops your follicle from closing and trapping new growth beneath the skin's surface. So the next time your getting the razor or the strips out the new hair will emerge easily and then after you can use your Fino Soothe Aftercare Balm. Beauties this is definitely a item to have in your beauty box,for me since getting this i find i don't have the trouble of ingrown hairs as i did before and i'm also going crazy because i can't find my at the moment,so i'll probably have to buy another tube. It's not just for us ladies it is also available for men too. Hope this is a item you'll pick up beauties :)).

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