Sunday 19 May 2013


Happy Tuesday,

I'm a sucker for a bit of avocado anyone else?. I love them in my salads, having a half of one with my breakfast and of course making the good old green stuff guacamole. It's adds taste to a dip that works great for your crisps or crackers. You can also make you your own homemade face mask or a hair mask with using just an avocado. The avocado or alligator pear has more benefits to it than you might think. It is also refer to the fruit botanically large berry that contains a single seed. Do you want to know more benefits to eating a avocado? Simply check below for the great benefits to adding a avocado to your life :))

1.Prevent Liver Damage-its proving that in Japan it can significantly protect your liver
2.Of Course Be Beautiful-you can make hair and face masks out of avocados
3.Improve Your Blood Pressure-its not only the avocado but the seed too,it has loads of health benefits including helping people with hypertension.
4.See Better-it contains Carotenoid Antioxidant which has Lutein which helps protect the eyes
5.Cook Healthier-Try and switch to Avocado Oil which is much healthier to cook with 
6.It contains more potassium than bananas
7.It's loaded with healthy fats, fiber and many other nutrients
8.People who eat avocados tend to be healthier

Hope the tips are helpful! Why not get buying some avocados in your weekly shop because really they are not going to break the bank. I just picked up one yesterday in lidl for .69 cent :))

Hope you enjoy the piece!

Bubbles xx

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