Sunday, 2 June 2013


Its June and i think were finally starting to see abit of the sun shinning,well apart from yesterday ha ha. What else would give you that sunny feeling is listening to a few beats on the radio and i have a few, so lets get started :))

Jessie J is back with a song called Wild and love it. To me its like shes going back to her very first sound of 'Do it like a Dude' what do you think!!

Snoop Dog and Miley Cyrus its a crazy team-up i know but there song called Ashtrays and Heartbreaks has that reggae feel to it and sounds good a bit of a summer feel when your out your back sunning yourself (hopefully)

I've noticed lately my music is starting to sway a little into a bit of indie rock here's another song i'm loving at the moment Haim Falling

Maroon 5 with Love Somebody if anyone is a fan and got tickets to there show they have recently cancelled the tour and wont be back until January to play!!

So hope you enjoy the beats on this June Bank Holiday Sunday :))

Old time tune :)
Aaliyah Rock the Boat

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